In Case You Don't Know or You Have forgotten
In Case You Don't Know or You Have forgotten A nation is defined as; a large group of people who inhabit a specific territory and are connected by history, culture, or another commonality. A nation-state is a cultural group (a nation) that is also a state (and may, in addition, be a sovereign state). With this definition, one can easily understand that Nigeria is not a Nation but a country of many nations which Biafra is one among others
In Case You Don't Know or You Have forgotten
A nation is defined as; a large group of people who inhabit a specific territory and are connected by history, culture, or another commonality. A nation-state is a cultural group (a nation) that is also a state (and may, in addition, be a sovereign state). With this definition, one can easily understand that Nigeria is not a Nation but a country of many nations which Biafra is one among others
Now looking at the definition, you discover that Biafra is eminently qualified to be a sovereign nation but those who are against it deliberately changed so many communities and Towns in Biafraland so as to make it not appear as a nation, which can be classified as dividing a conquer.
But we have come to educate our people and remind those who knew but might have forgotten in order to bridge the Barrier to our freedom. To this end, we bring to you some of the Towns and communities whose original name was changed to know that we are truly one people one nation.
The name of Akwaibom is Akaigbo which means a branch of Igbo
The place called Delta is Anaoma.
The name of Port Harcourt is Igweocha.
The proper name of Ibibio is Igbonta.
The proper name of Benin is Igodomigodo.
The proper name of River Niger is Olimiri Ogbaru.
The place they called Oyimgbo today the original name is Obi Igbo.
Rumuora is Umuora.
Rumuokoro is Umuokoro.
Ibuzi or Ibuzo is Igbo bina uzo.
Awka is Oka.
Onitsha is Onicha.
Enugu is Enugwu.
Ufuma is Uvume.
Ajali is Ujali.
Umuahia is Omaahia.
Umuneri is Umueri.
Anambra is Omabara.
Owerri is Owenke eri
Oreri is Oranke eri.
Awkuzu is Okauzu
Asaba is Ahaba
We are one people. We are one blood. We are one family.
They take away our history just to hide our identity. They put hatred and division among us. Brother fighting brother. Sister fighting sister
Let's break the seed of disunity they sold to us and embrace unity through our real and genuine identity and restore our dear nation for our own good and the future generation.